Product Portfolio


Bio-Cement for Ready-Mix

Cement made with our proprietary biomineral for an immediate low-carbon ready-mix alternative


In development


All in need of cast-in-place concrete applications


Low-Embodied Carbon


Prometheus Materials continues to innovate low-carbon concrete alternatives with our recent development of a low-carbon bio-concrete wall prototype. We poured a 6”W x 1.5’H x 4’L wall with rebar reinforcement. Targeted 28-day strength range 3,000 – 4,500 PSI; initial global warming potential (GWP) indicates a 0.00 kg CO2-eg/ M3.

Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith explains the need for new innovations in concrete, noting the critical role played by Prometheus Materials.

Our zero-carbon bio-concrete was featured at UKCW's Future Lab, a showcase highlighting innovative productivity, robotics and sustainable technologies.

Colorado is seeing remarkable steps to save our environment ... We’ll look at sustainability with PM’s Loren Burnett on this edition of Connected Colorado!

Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith explains the need for new innovations in concrete, noting the critical role played by Prometheus Materials.

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